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Nestled in a serene Sugar Land community, Eden's Reflection Assisted Living is a licensed residential care facility offering a home-like environment for residents seeking companionship and shared experiences. Our goal is to maintain the health and comfort expected of a family setting, surpassing expectations with our personalized care services for older adults and those needing assistance with daily activities.


Leaving behind cherished memories can be tough, which is why at Eden's Reflection, we aim to create new ones while preserving dignity and hospitality.


Come visit us and discover the care we provide. Schedule a tour now to meet our friendly staff.



Welcome Home to Eden's Reflection


We opted for Edens for my mother, and I couldn't be happier with our decision. This small group home provides personalized attention to each resident in a consistently clean environment with the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals. The staff's exceptional care, attention to detail, and prompt communication about any changes ensure that my mother feels like part of their family, making Edens's Reflection a secure and nurturing haven for her.

by Debbie Parr 

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